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What are HIV and AIDS?

What is HIV.

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Step by step HIV breaks down the immune system that your body has built to protect you against all kinds of viruses and bacteria. This can lead to symptoms and complaints. If that protective layer is so weakened that your body can hardly protect itself, we call it AIDS.

What does the abbreviation HIV stand for.

The abbreviation HIV means Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or: 'Human virus that breaks down the immune system'.

  • Human  (from Latin: humanus - human)

  • Immuno deficiency : The word deficiency is also used to indicate a deficiency in function. When the immune system is not functioning enough, it is called an immunodeficiency.

  • Virus : HIV is a retrovirus

HIV symptoms.

The majority of people have no complaints shortly after an infection with HIV. A small proportion of people do develop symptoms a few weeks after the infection. They look like a bad flu. This can take 1 to 6 weeks. This is also known as acute HIV. The symptoms of an acute HIV infection are: Skin rash – Fever – Sore throat – Diarrhoea.


Often you and your doctor do not immediately think of HIV when these complaints occur. The symptoms are very similar to a normal flu or cold and disappear on their own after 1-2 weeks.


The insidious thing about HIV is that you can be infected for years before you get symptoms. The virus slowly destroys your immune cells until they are so low that you become ill from other infections. This can take years, sometimes 5 years, sometimes 10 years. Complaints that can arise are: Weight loss - Skin problems (small pimples everywhere, eczema) - Pain in your mouth or with swallowing (fungal infection of the mouth; white spots) - Problems with breathing; getting tired very quickly when walking, coughing (due to pneumonia) – Diarrhoea.


In short: if you feel fit and healthy, you may still have HIV! So get tested regularly if you've had unprotected sex.

What is AIDS.

AIDS is a condition in which the immune system fails, so that various diseases can arise.  HIV can lead to AIDS if left untreated.  People with a low immune system are more prone to a variety of conditions.  AIDS is a combination of symptoms (a syndrome) that arise from a reduced immune system due to an infection with HIV.

What does the abbreviation AIDS stand for.

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

  • Aquired : Acquired during life, so not inherited.

  • Immune : Immunity - defense (system), the system in your body that protects you against diseases such as bacteria, viruses and fungi.

  • Deficiency : Deficiency, lack.

  • Syndrome : Syndrome, clinical picture.

What happens if you have AIDS?

Your body is becoming weaker because it no longer has a protective layer against external attacks due to HIV. Infections that your body would 'clean up' without HIV are now hitting hard. Thus, a simple cold quickly turns into a dangerous pneumonia.

Need help?

If you yourself or those around you come into contact with HIV or AIDS, this can raise many questions. So feel free to call us if you want to know more quickly, that's what we're here for. Our phone number: +599 9 5 677 566

Are you dying of AIDS?

If HIV is treated properly, it will not kill you. With medication you inhibit the virus so that your immune cells continue to work properly. An untreated or poorly treated HIV can become AIDS and you can die from it.

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